We have an extensive inventory of hard to find items to repair
vintage televisions such as flybacks {horizontal output transformers}
yokes, power transformers, vertical output transformers, i.f.
transformers {coils}, audio output transformers, focus coils,
horizontal frequency coils, controls, capacitors, high voltage
rectifier tubes sockets, RCA TV knobs, and tubes of course. We carried
brands such as Merit, Ram, Triad, Stancor, Thordarson, and the original
line of RCA TV parts dating back to about 1949.
Remember when you contact us about items like these we will need
all the information you can supply to narrow it down to the correct
part. We must have the following information:
- Make
- Model number
- Chassis number
- Part numbers off old part {if there are any}
- Clear description of exactly what part it is you're looking for.
This information can be supplied to us by using the "contact us"
section on our home page. Please allow up to 3 days for a reply due to
our extensive inventory.
So give us a try, we just might have that fine
tuning coil for that 1960 RCA color set you've been trying to restore.
Oh, one last thing, there's no extra charge for the dust that will
probably have gently settled on your replacement part over the past 30
or 40 years!